
Home Cleaning Services

Hassle Free Cleaning Solutions
Singapore Islandwide

One-Time & Regular House Cleaning Services

Home is where the heart is, a safe haven through rain, shine and in Singapore, haze too. Thus, home should always be clean and germ free. In this modern world, with two breadwinners in the family to ensure a better quality of life, it is no doubt tough to keep up with never ending cleaning chores.

It is also impossible to make sure that everyone is clean before stepping into the house. Coming home, one should be more relaxed, not more stressed up. Even with additional time after work, it should be well spent connecting with your loved ones and to rest.

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Regular Cleaning Services

Clean your house regularly. Keep you and your family healthy!

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Spring Cleaning Services

Spring clean your house time to time, CleanWorthy is here to support.

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End of Tenancy Cleaning Services

Completed your tenancy and need a cleaning before handover? Message us.

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Post Renovation Cleaning Services

After renovation and want a through cleaning before move in? Call us now.

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Barbecue Cleaning Services

Enjoying the barbecue. Leave your cleaning to CleanWorthy.

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Kitchen Hood Cleaning Services

Keep kitchen hood at home clean. A healthier family!

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Oven Cleaning Services

You take care the baking. CleanWorthy take care the cleaning.

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Toilet Cleaning Services

Dirty grout, floor and rust stain is common in house toilet. Call CleanWorthy!

Clean home, Safe Home

A clean house is essential for your families’ health and overall wellbeing. Do you fall sick often, or ever notice one of your family members taking longer time to recover from a flu or infection? Fact is that their immune system might not be the only factor to blame. Bacteria and germs may be lurking around the house.


Clean House? Sure?

When it comes to cleaning houses, no space should be neglected. They should be kept clean at all times. Often times, people only focus on the cleanliness of bathrooms and kitchens. Bathroom, because obviously everyone would think it is the breeding ground for most bacteria and germs. Kitchen, oil splatters are hard to avoid when you fry your fish or rendang. And things usually get a little more disastrous when you have teenagers trying to make their own lunch without knowing how to clean up the mess.

But what about the living room and the bedrooms, where you and your family spend most of your time at? Where is the first place you land after you come home? The couch. Do you make guests shower or spray their whole body with sanitizer before inviting them to have a seat? How often also do you dust and vacuum your house? Aside from cleanliness, do you also Marie Kondo your house once in a while to get rid of any unwanted items which has been sitting there collecting dusts? Too many things in the house can also block your walkway and pose as a safety hazard.

We are not quite done yet. Once you have tackled the cleanliness inside of the house, do not forget about the outer cleanliness of the house. Still holding on to your plants which are better being laid to rest? Backyard grasses growing a little too long? Because just in case your kids shrink into miniature beings like what happened in Honey, I shrunk the Kids, they have a better chance in getting back into the house safely.

Jokes aside, clean and clear gutters are also vital. This is to prevent it from being on the breeding grounds on mosquitoes. In 2018 itself, there has been 3285 death cases reported caused by dengue. Prevention is always better than cure.


Why Trust Our Cleaning Services?

Since the start of our cleaning services business, we have been receiving good feedback on our services. Head to our website to read more about the reviews from other customers. They have helped us serve better and hopefully you would be one of them too.



One Time House Cleaning Price

Size of HouseRetail Price
Less Than 800sqft$ 488.00
Less Than 1200sqft$ 588.00
Less Than 1500sqft$ 648.00
Less Than 1700sqft$ 868.00
Less Than 2000sqft$ 908.00
Less Than 2500sqft$ 1188.00

  • Professional One-Time Cleaning: CleanWorthy crews will bring detergent and equipment needed.



Biweekly Regular Cleaning Price

Biweekly Regular CleaningPrice (2 Session)
5 Hours Regular Biweekly Cleaning$ 238.00
6 Hours Regular Biweekly Cleaning$ 308.00
  • Client need to provide detergent and equipment needed.
  • Quote above are based on normal cleanliness level. If extended hour needed due to bad cleanliness, $38/ men-hour applies.

Weekly Regular Cleaning Price

Weekly Regular CleaningPrice (4 Session)
4 Hours Regular Weekly Cleaning$ 423.00
5 Hours Regular Weekly Cleaning$ 523.00
6 Hours Regular Weekly Cleaning$ 623.00

  • Client need to provide detergent and equipment needed.

Twice A Week Cleaning Price

Twice A Week Regular CleaningPrice (8 Session)
4 Hours Regular Twice A Week Cleaning$ 823.00
5 Hours Regular Twice A Week Cleaning$ 1023.00
6 Hours Regular Twice A Week Cleaning$ 1223.00

  • Client need to provide detergent and equipment needed.
  • Quote above are based on normal cleanliness level. If extended hour needed due to bad cleanliness, $38/ men-hour applies.

3 Times A Week Cleaning Price

3 Times A Week Regular CleaningPrice (12 Session)
4 Hours Regular 3 Times A Week Cleaning$ 1223.00
5 Hours Regular 3 Times A Week Cleaning$ 1523.00
6 Hours Regular 3 Times A Week Cleaning$ 1,823.00

  • Client need to provide detergent and equipment needed.
  • Quote above are based on normal cleanliness level. If extended hour needed due to bad cleanliness, $38/ men-hour applies.
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Frequent Ask Questions

Reach us for more carpet cleaning enquiries

Before arrival of cleaning crews

  • Electricity and water supply in check.
  • Representatives present to let our cleaning crews and to supervise them while they clean.

Can I leave the house keys to the cleaning crews

  • Not recommended at all as we prefer a representative to be present while the cleaning takes place to avoid any misunderstanding.

Rescheduling or Cancellation

  • For appointments cancelled less than 48 hours from the scheduled time, a charge of $50 or 30% of the job fees, whichever higher will be applied. But of course, we hope this will never happen.

How do we book?

  • We are easily reachable by whatsapp and by email. Just provide us with your preferred date and requirements and our customer service will guide you through with the booking and payment.

Little Cleaning Helpers to the Rescue

Sounds tiring already isn’t it. We heard you! You might not have Marie Kondo, but CleanWorthy Singapore is here to help clean you house. Our cleaning services ranges from the roof to the gutters. Cleaning packages are customizable for your maximum experience. Our cleaning crews are extremely well trained to do the cleaning and only use products which are safe and non-toxic.

To book an appointment or understand more about our cleaning services, drop us a call or log on to our websites. Our services are extensive. We even cover post renovation cleaning services. So wait no more, because we are very eager to clean the house for you!We await your trust.

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Friendly Customer Service

We are listening. Provide you a hassle free cleaning solution is our goal.

Singapore Islandwide

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