Home Kitchen Cleaning Services
Hassle Free Cleaning Solutions
Home Kitchen Cleaning Services
Trusted Home Kitchen Cleaning Services in Singapore
To some, the kitchen may be a soul of the home where you pour all of your love into the food prepared for your loved ones, a place where recipes are passed down or a place where you spend the whole afternoon whipping up batches of cookies with your little ones. But to some, a kitchen may be a warzone, we have all been there.
And to some, a kitchen serves as a proud display when guests come over, especially when marble countertops are imported and interior designing is exquisite. However, with all these in mind, our main focus should be to ensure that the kitchen is clean before and after cooking, probably an easier task to deal with than food poisoning, am I right?

Regular Cleaning Services
Clean your house regularly. Keep you and your family healthy!

Spring Cleaning Services
Spring clean your house time to time, CleanWorthy is here to support.

End of Tenancy Cleaning Services
Completed your tenancy and need a cleaning before handover? Message us.

Post Renovation Cleaning Services
After renovation and want a through cleaning before move in? Call us now.

Barbecue Cleaning Services
Enjoying the barbecue. Leave your cleaning to CleanWorthy.

Kitchen Hood Cleaning Services
Keep kitchen hood at home clean. A healthier family!

Oven Cleaning Services
You take care the baking. CleanWorthy take care the cleaning.

Toilet Cleaning Services
Dirty grout, floor and rust stain is common in house toilet. Call CleanWorthy!
Cleaning Checklist – Level 1
But what makes a clean kitchen? Clean cookware and utensils? There is indeed a list to ensure that you are on track cleaning the kitchen. On a daily basis, clean your dirty dishes as they happen. If not possible, at least clean them up before heading to bed. It is not advisable to clean rather than leave dirty dishes overnight because it will attract cockroaches.
Wipe your kitchen workspace clean after each usage or treat spills immediately if that is going to ruin the tops because different types of tops like wood and marble handles stains differently. By doing so, stubborn stains can be kept at bay which will be harder to get rid of over time. Remember to take out the trash too if they contain raw materials or wastes before maggots become another concern.
Cleaning Checklist – Level 2
On a weekly basis, deep clean your microwave, because god knows what has exploded inside when you are heating up food or using it to cook and it is used frequently too. Though you might clean the sink each time you wash the dishes, it might a good idea to disinfect it weekly too. Apart from that, you should also mop the floor to remove any stains or splatters.
Cleaning Checklist – Level Help
As for more time consuming cleaning tasks like deep cleaning the oven or refrigerator, you can do the deep cleaning on a monthly basis. Sort out food which are expiring and food which have already expired in the kitchen and refrigerator like that packet of chicken rice which you said you would eat the next day, but the next day became an infinity time loop or the packet of spaghetti which has already expired for months.
A clean refrigerator is very important such as getting rid of spoilt food as to not affect the other food in the refrigerator. Other areas which you should also consider cleaning are those nooks and crannies which would normally be neglected such as top and bottom of the fridge and food cabinet, or the inside of shelves be it top shelves or those under the sink, just to make sure nothing is dead inside, like a lizard.

Frequent Ask Questions
Some Answers to Your Questions
What do I need to prepare before the cleaning crews arrive at my place?
- Electricity and water supply are available.
- Representatives are around to open the doors for our cleaning crews to enter.
Other available professional house cleaning services?
- Fabric sofa cleaning, Leather sofa cleaning, Mattress Cleaning, Rug Cleaning, Barbecue Cleaning Service, Kitchen Hood Cleaning Service, Oven Cleaning Service and many more.
Yes to CleanWorthy, No to Procrastination
You are probably already an expert in handling the daily kitchen cleaning tasks, but are you already procrastinating thinking about cleaning your refrigerator or the microwave oven which combines the stain and smell of yesterday’s pizza and chicken rendang from the day before, suddenly thinking of knitting a sweater just to escape all the cleaning?
Fret not, CleanWorthy is here to the rescue. Go ahead and plan your weekend or monthly getaway without putting deep cleaning the kitchen in your lists. We are only one call away and is always available at your service. Give us a call and we will be to scrub down your kitchen and remind you of how your cooktop, oven or microwave look like when you originally got them. We carefully train our cleaning crews professionally just their kitchen service quality is top notch. Quick, call us now!
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We are listening. Provide you a hassle free cleaning solution is our goal.