
Limestone Restoration

Hassle Free Stone Polishing Solutions

Limestone As A Durable Product

Limestone such as stone have been used in the process of building material since the prehistoric times. Apart from clay and wood, stone such as granite and limestone marbles are used due to their long lasting and durability. Marble has been resistant to sun and water from the weather of Singapore. It is aesthetically a marvel to look at and as it is extracted out of nature, it saves the production cost.

Though, stone marbles such as limestone and granite do require maintenance and restoration process to keep its original look alive. Though, it can be reused and placed into different locations and can age like a good wine. When placed properly, polished marbles are a wonder that will always make your home or your space a piece of art.  

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Limestone Floor Polishing

After years of usage, even with good care, limestone floor polishing will be needed!

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Limestone Countertop Polish

Restoration is the answer for scratch, chip off, stain, etched marks on countertop.

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Limestone Wall Polishing

Keep your limestone wall shine is relaying on good care and maintenance.

Why Does Limestone Marble Need Restoration

Though, in places like Singapore, there are chances that these stones might be faded due to sunlight or get stained because of rain water. Granite and limestone marbles are known porous material and can absorb wet substance resulting in stains that can not be removed easily. They are popularly used in places like kitchen as the vanity top, as dining tables, flooring and even walls made with limestone and granite marble.

As aesthetic as it is to the eye and shows a sign of elegance it takes a lot of care to keep it this way. You can not simply just use a type of cleaner to wash it down or scrub as the chances are it will get damaged for sure.


Limestone Marble Restoration Process

Carrying out the restoration and maintenance process for limestone requires some technical marble polishing. It is often done in cases when the aesthetics of the stone is in need of its original state. It usually involves scratches from the surface due to the soft nature of limestone. This is initiated with a process called diamond grinding.

Depending on the situation, different types of diamond grinding is used in the marble cleaning or marble polishing you can say. Our technicians at CleanWorthy with their expert ideas and experience know that you have to be very careful while carrying out the process of diamond grinding. Anything extra can further damage the surrounding marble as high pressured water is required along with it.

Once the grinding is done, the marble cleaning process takes place. Often used with a pH neutral solution as anything acidic might damage the marble, is used before buffing it any further to get on to the next step of the process. Once the original look is being attained, technicians at CleanWorthy Singapore will provide a sealant to solidify the maintenance work. To make your marble stone look more aesthetic, a coat is also provided.

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Contact Limestone Restoration Experts in Singapore

Our professional technicians at CleanWorthy Singapore are certified and know the right job that is needed to restore your marble. Whether it is the marble granite wall, your limestone table top or the marble flooring, our technicians have you covered. The technicians are professional in dealing with the clients and prefer to keep a sense of transparency with pricing and the process to be taken underway.

You can book our appointment on our website and our team will come for a consultation to provide more clarity. Even though, we prefer to have a three day advance booking but we can make exception based on the availability and a extra surcharge. To retain the beauty of your marble, contact us today.

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