
FREE 500ML Hand Sanitiser from Temasek Foundation


It is nice to know at the outbreak of COVID-19, Temasek foundation announced to give out 500ML zero alcohol hand sanitiser to every Singapore household. No doubt zero alcohol hand sanitizer is not effective to prevent COVID-19 virus. However, we believe that it is a kind and good move to encourage public to have better personal hygiene and be social responsible.


When and Where To Collect FREE Hand Sanitiser?

Date: 23rd March 2020 – 5 April 2020

Locations (Click for Direction):

To avoid overcrowding, a specific collection date will be provided to every household via pamphlets that will be distributed in the coming days. Residents must bring the pamphlet to collect their free hand sanitiser. Residents should prepare a clean, recycled bottle – or smaller bottles adding up to 500ml – to fill with the sanitiser in order to reduce waste.

Words from Chairmen?

“We hope this sanitiser will come in handy for all Singapore residents, for everyone to pick up the habit of washing or sanitising our hands regularly,” said Temasek chairman Lim Boon Heng.

“This is part of a radical and comprehensive battle plan to enable our community to overcome COVID-19,” said Temasek Foundation Cares chairman Richard Magnus.

COVID-19 Live Confirmed Cases & Death on Map

Source: CNA



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